LIFESTYLE CHANGES to help manage sleep apnea
Nutrition, physical activity and healthy sleep routines are all part of a healthy lifestyle. When we have sleep apnea we may lack the energy to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
If your Physician has prescribed you CPAP therapy for sleep apnea, it may take some time for you to get used to the mask and the airflow. Once you are sleeping well with CPAP it's the perfect time to ask your Physician what lifestyle changes are recommended for you.

Please ask your Physician what type of physical activity is right for you. Incorporate more movement into daily activities. Being physically active may reduce inflammatory proteins and may also help us achieve deeper sleep.
For online expert information, to discuss at your next doctor's appointment, we offer the below link to the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP).

Waking up at a set time, getting some natural light or time outdoors each day, having an evening and bedtime routine can all help cue our bodies for when it's time to sleep.
Creating a comfortable sleep space can be helpful too; not too hot or cold, with a supportive mattress and pillow, block out light and noise.
Having a routine for getting CPAP ready to use before actually going to bed; wash out the water tank in the morning, let dry all day and fill with fresh distilled water just after supper. Making a record of the things that helped you have the best nights' sleep with CPAP can be helpful too.
For online sleep expert advice we offer the link below to the Canadian Sleep Society (CSS).